Pint of Science is coming to our bars!

– The international popular science festival will be held on May 13, 14 and 15 throughout Spain, with free admission.

– In Donostia/San Sebastian, Pint of Science will take place in the bars Alboka, Amuitz, Errotatxo, Mala Gissona and Manuel (Errenteria).

The ninth edition of the International Festival of Scientific Dissemination Pint of Science is the most ambitious that Spain has organized so far, with 850 talks in 67 locations, to be held on May 13, 14 and 15. For three days, the bars of our cities become improvised laboratories from where the most cutting-edge researchers on the national scene will share the latest advances in science in Spain. With an understandable and close language, any citizen will be able to learn about projects in the most varied areas: neuroscience, astrophysics, medicine, history, supercomputing, mathematics, economics and zoology, among many others.

In Donostia/San Sebastian, Pint of Science will be held in the bars Alboka, Amuitz, Errotatxo, Mala Gissona and Manuel (Errenteria), with a total of 30 and will cover the topics of nanotechnology, 3D printing, physics, neuroscience and language, nature and sustainability. Among the researchers and scientists participating in this edition of Pint of Science Donostia are Fernando Cossío, Oihane Mitxelena, Efthymia Kapnoula and Francesc Monrabal. The talks will be in Basque and Spanish. In addition, some of the talks will have simultaneous translation into sign language.

Sandra Medrano, postdoctoral researcher and head of communication of this edition, explains that “the faces of interest, surprise and laughter that arise in the attendees when they hear about science are our motivation to leave the lab and return one more year to the bars to tell our discoveries. Sometimes we underestimate ourselves, but the high scientific quality in our country and the motivation and passion that all scientists have for what we do, make Spain a leader in many areas of knowledge”.


CFM at Pint Of Science

The Materials Physics Center sponsors this macro event and actively participates with a team of volunteers who support the organization in the bars, in addition to contributing with the following three talks given by our scientific staff:

Polímeros inteligentes: imitando a la naturaleza

Ester Verde Sesto

Bar Errotatxo

May 15, 19:00



El túnel entre Superconductores e innovación

David Caldevilla Asenjo

Bar Errotatxo

May 14, 19:00



Programar Moléculas para Curar Lesiones Medulares

Ivan Sasselli

May 15, 19:00



Power to Basic Science

As a novelty, this year the national organization has reinforced and supported the importance of basic science, which has made it possible to achieve milestones such as vaccines or space travel. Likewise, topics of current social interest have been highlighted, such as science policies and energy transition, which directly affect the welfare, economy and growth of the country.
Pint of Science 2024 is a free event for all attendees and in Donostia is possible thanks to the sponsorship of DIPC, Fomento San Sebastian, CFM, CIC BiomaGUNE, Polymat, CIC nanoGUNE and Biogipuzkoa, and the collaboration of Aranzadi and BCBL.

Un año más, Pint of Science es una realidad también a nivel mundial

Pint of Science was born in May 2013 in the United Kingdom when researchers Michael Mostkin and Praveen Paul organized an event in their laboratories in order to show the research they were doing to people affected by different mental illnesses. They themselves saw the great impact it had on those patients, and thought, “if people go to labs… why not bring science to where the people are, the pubs?” Little did they know that a few years later, their idea would go around the world, being held simultaneously in all 5 continents this 2024, with 25 countries participating.
Australian scientists will be the first to raise the shutters of the bars and toast to knowledge and its dissemination. From there, and with the rest of the host countries, a 3-day marathon of science and bars around the world will begin.

On May 13, 14 and 15, toast in the bars for science and its dissemination!

Pint of Science 2024 is a free event for all attendees, and could not be possible if it were not for the collaboration of organizations that sponsor the festival, such as Labbox, CESIF, TRBL, JJNN and Vadillo Asesores at the national level or many other collaborating entities at the local level, such as DIPC, CIC biomaGUNE, Fomento San Sebastián and CFM.