Representatives of the organization, sponsors and collaborators at the presentation of Zientzia Azoka (Bilbao City Council)
CFM collaborates in ZIENTZIA AZOKA 2019, the Science Fair organized by ELHUYAR in Bilbao: A meeting of Scientific-Technology projects of young people opened to the public. 90 projects from 30 centres will be presented, with a total of 308 teens and kids involved.
WHEN? MAY 11, 2019 (12:00 OPENING)
Bilbao, 09/05/2019
Yesterday Koldo Narbaiza Olaskoaga, Basque Councillor and Education of Bilbao
City Council; Amaia Esquisabel Alegria, Director of Research of the Department of Education of the Basque Government; and Leire Cancio Orueta, Director General of Elhuyar have presented the ‘Zientzia Azoka 2019’ in Bilbao City Council .
The main objectives of this project are to work on young people’s skills in the fields of science and technology, awaken vocations and bring young people closer to the protagonists of science and technology.
Young people from the Solokoetxe centre, members of the ‘Bilboko txoriak’ project, winner of the prize that gave access to participation in the Mostra Nacional Portugesa fair, also attended the presentation, exposing their work and telling their experiences. With it we have been able to verify the work carried out by the teachers in the centres and the importance of this type of projects.
Zientzia Azoka has a very complete programme this year. From 12 noon until 9 p.m., young researchers will present technological and research projects in the Plaza Nueva in Bilbao in which they have worked throughout the year answering a question or a challenge. At this year’s fair, there will also be representation of the professional research body from universities and centers, which will be exhibiting their projects in the ‘professional area’.
Members of the SPOON project (Strasbourg, Catalonia, the Netherlands, Croatia and Elhuyar), the European Erasmus+ project, will participate in the fair by visiting the Plaza Nueva to get to know the fair, and to share ideas and training options with professors who participate in the fair. Elhuyar is also a component of the European project STEMFAIRNET, which aims to create a European network of science fairs and enrich the science fairs both in the field of competences and in the field of inclusion, which will document everything that happens at the fair.
The official opening will take place at 12:00. The fair has 3 defined areas:
1. Supports. 12:00 – 15:00 and 16:00 – 18:00: Project stands,
2. Central area.
12:00 – 16:30: University professional research area
12:00 – 14.00 workshops for and with children
17:00-18:30: scientific gyncana
3. Scenario: from 19:00 hours awards ceremony and exhibition of the drawings made during the fair. Dibujatolrato
It is worth mentioning the fact that although the Zientzia Azoka is organised by Elhuyar, it is sponsored by Bilbao City Council and in collaboration with the Science and Technology Network of the Basque Country, so that young people can carry out their work with the support of research staff from Ikerbasque, the UPV/EHU, the Public University of Navarra, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the University of Deusto, and the Digipen Institute of Technology.
In order to continue with the scientific experiences, several prizes are given after the fair:
- Participation in other scientific fairs for groups of young people, in ‘Exporecerca Jove’ in Catalonia, in ‘Galiciencia’ in Galicia, in ‘Il giovani e le scienze’ in Milan, in ‘Mostra Nacional de Ciencia’ in Portugal, and in ‘Open Science’ in Cambre. All this thanks to the agreement signed between Elhuyar Zientzia Azoka and science fairs in Europe.
- Scholarships and courses of Bizakai Talent, Digipen and UEU to continue with the training
- Stays in technology centres and companies to get to know the professional world and share their work and experiences with them: Euskaltel, ERABI, Tecnalia Corporación Tecnológica, IK4 alliance of technology centres, CIC Nanogune, TZBZ Innovation Team, Pamplona Planetarium, Neiker-Tecnalia and CFM (Materials Physics Centre). The main objectives of this project are to work on young people’s skills in the fields of science and technology, awaken vocations and bring young people closer to the protagonists of science and technology.