Logo, organizers and sponsors of the QENS/WINS 2021 Conference
The QENS/WINS 2021 event constitutes the 14th Edition of the QENS series and the 9th of the WINS workshops. The main purpose of the QENS series is to cover the broad spectrum of scientific activities related with the investigation of dynamical processes using quasielastic neutron scattering techniques (accessing both, frequency and time domains). QENS offers a platform for discussion and exchange of scientific ideas among the experts in this field, and a general overview to newcomers about the capabilities of QENS in exploring atomic and molecular motions and relaxation processes of novel materials and diverse systems. In particular, this edition of the conference explores and exploits the potential synergies between different methods (including experimental techniques and simulations), in order to face diverse scientific challenges emerging in different research fields. WINS –Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers– covers innovative aspects of neutron instrument design. Progresses on new spectrometer projects are presented, following the theme: “New idea, New concept, New design, New instrumentation for New sciences”.
The QENS/WINS 2021 Conference took place online during the dates 17 – 21 May 2021. The conference was supported by a ‘moodle’ platform where all information about the meeting was available, and forums were open where participants could pose / answer questions to the presenters and exchange ideas throughout the meeting.
From 14:00h to 16:30h Central European Summer Time, four lectures of 30 minutes each were given by twenty experts in different fields. The central 30-minutes slot was dedicated to promote interaction among the attendants, participating in a topical discussion or live chatting with colleagues. Particularly lively were the topical discussions: the themes varied every day, covering: neutron scattering experiments after COVID19, sample environment, software and data analysis, needs for future instrumentation, and education and training.

Composition with screenshots captured during one of the topical discussion sessions
With a very high participation level in the conference (205 registered persons), the QENS/WINS community showed to be very active and still highly motivated despite the current difficulties posed by COVID19. The nationalities were broadly distributed among 21 countries, being the highest participation from German scientists (48), followed by Spain (23) France and USA (22 each). The scientific contributions demonstrated again the great capabilities of QENS in very diverse areas (like biology, soft matter, energy, magnetism, medicine, energy). Important recent advances in neutron technologies, very important for the whole community, were also presented.
We are highly satisfied by the response of the community and believe that our objective with this online event —to motivate and incentivize the QENS/WINS community, keeping it updated regarding scientific and technical progresses and offer an environment as similar to a face-to-face meeting until we could personally meet in San Sebastian— was reached.

Statistics of nationalities of the participants in QENS/WINS 2021