Master in Nanoscience´s Thesis defences- 12Th September, 2018
This Wednesday 12th of September 2018 it will take place the Master in nanoscience´s Thesis Defences event according to the following time schedule:
11:00 hours
Evaluation Committee : Alexey Nikitin, Mato Knez and Angel Alegria
Student: Leire Fernandez
Supervisors: María Carmen Morant-Miñana and Andreas Seifert,
Title: Nanostructured transducers for enhanced plasmonic biosensing
Student: José Enrique Barranco Riveros
Student: José Enrique Barranco Riveros
Supervisors: Sara Barja and Celia Rogero
Title: Characterization of surface Ruthenium oxides with catalytic interest
Student: Jon Lasa
Supervisors: Aitzol Garcia Echarri y Javier Aizpurua
Title: Field-enhanced CD spectroscopy with subwalength silicon particle arrays
12:30 hours
Evaluation Committee : María Carmen Morant-Miñana, Dario Bercioux and Celia Rogero
Student: Gonzalo Álvarez Pérez
Student: Gonzalo Álvarez Pérez
Supervisors: Alexey Nikitin and Pablo Alonso
Title: Polaritons in biaxial crystals
Student: Gabrielle Botta
Student: Gabrielle Botta
Supervisor: Mato Knez
Title: VPI-based induction of conductivity into Kevlar fibers
15:30 hours
Evaluation Committee: Aitzol Garcia Echarri, Iñaki Juaristi and Andres Arnau
Student: Miguel Angel Jimenez
Supervisor: Dario Bercioux
Title: Characterization of the Magnetic Properties of the Herringbone Lattice
Student: Ricardo Rama
Supervisor: Sebastian Bergeret
Title: Spin-Dependent Transport in Diffusive Systems with Intrinsic Spin-Orbit Coupling