• Celebrating the 20th anniversary of FOTCIENCIA in Donostia / San Sebastián
  • The photographic exhibition FOTCIENCIA20 promoted by the CSIC opens in Donostia / San Sebastian on Friday May 24, with the help of the Center for Physics of Materials (CFM), and Kutxa Fundazioa.
  • The exhibition includes 49 images that will not leave anyone indifferent. They are nano, micro and macroscopic views of the world taken by researchers and photography enthusiasts, and this is the only opportunity to enjoy it in the Basque Autonomous Community.
  • In FOTCIENCIA citizenship provides a scientific view and science a vision of the beauty and humanity that lies behind the most advanced imaging techniques.

May 24 – June 23

Kutxa Fundazioa plaza (Tabakalera)

Free admission during the opening hours of the space


In 2024 FOTCIENCIA celebrates its 20th anniversary!

Science and art go hand in hand in this inspiring photography exhibition. The exhibition is divided into two large blocks (General and Micro) and brings together 49 images, in various modalities, selected for their beauty, impact and ability to reflect scientific facts.

They are nano, micro and macroscopic views of the world taken by science professionals, amateur photographers, students and artists. Their different views reflect the phenomena studied by science, its instruments and installations, the technologies that result from the progress of research or the artistic vision that arises from scientific work. The whole is a fascinating collection of photographs that encourages dialogue between science, art and society.


FOTCIENCIA20 is unique in its kind, and is a meeting point and dialogue between cutting-edge science and society. As a novelty FOTCIENCIA20 includes a physical version in high relief of the 10 winning images of this edition so that they can be enjoyed by visually impaired people. In addition, the explanatory texts that accompany the 49 snapshots, written by their authors, can be listened to as audio guides on the main online platforms (Ivoox, Spotify, Google podcast, Apple podcast or Amazon music).

The exhibition can be visited in the space kutxa Fundazioa plaza located on the 4th. Floor of Tabakalera (Donostia /San Sebastián) from next Friday May 24 during the opening hours of the hall. The visit to the exhibition will be free and will be open to the public until June 23.

Each edition of FOTCIENCIA tours the peninsula and travels abroad annually, this being the only opportunity to enjoy it in the Basque Autonomous Community.

FOTCIENCIA convenes in each edition an open and participatory process for the presentation of images related to scientific research and its technological and industrial applications. It is an initiative of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and the Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) with the support of the Fundación Occident. The project also has the participation of the Institute of Sustainable Agriculture (IAS), the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA), both of the CSIC, and, in this twentieth edition, with the collaboration of Leica Camera.

More information on the website