Publications (2011-2024)
- whole list see at:
- Cadmium Telluride Quantum Dots: Advances and Applications. Pan Stanford Publishing, 2014 ISBN 9789814316057
Book Chapters
- Emission of CdTe nanocrystals coupled to microcavities. In:"Cadmium Telluride Quantum Dots: Advances and Applications" Ed. by J.F. Donegan and Y.P. Rakovich, Pan Stanford Publishing, 2014
Invited and Feature Papers
- Linear and nonlinear optical effects induced by energy transfer from semiconductor nanoparticles to photosynthetic biological systems. A. Rakovich, J.F. Donegan, V. Oleinikov, M. Molinari, A. Sukhanova, I. Nabiev and Y.P. Rakovich, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, Vol. 20., pp. 17-32 (2014)
- Semiconductor nanowires self-assembled from colloidal CdTe nanocrystal building blocks: optical properties and application perspectives. Y.P. Rakovich, F. Jackel, J.F. Donegan, A.L. Rogach, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol. 22., pp. 20831-20839 (2012) - COVER
Regular Papers
- Colloidal quasicrystals engineered with DNA, W.J. Zhou, Y. Lim, H.X. Lin, S. Lee, Y.W. Li, Z.Y. Huang, J.S. Du, B. Lee, S.Z. Wang, A. Sánchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, L.M. Liz-Marzán, S.G. Glotzer, C.A. Mirkin, Nature Materials Vol.23, 424–428 (2024)
- On-demand reversible switching of the emission mode of individual semiconductor quantum emitters using plasmonic metasurfaces, A. Olejniczak, Z. Lawera, M. Zapata-Herrera, A. Chuvilin, P. Samokhvalov, I. Nabiev, M. Grzelczak, Y. Rakovich, V. Krivenkov, APL Photonics Vol.9, Article 016107 (2024)
- Revisiting El-Sayed Synthesis: Bayesian Optimization for Revealing New Insights during the Growth of Gold Nanorods, A. Rao, M. Grzelczak, Chemistry of Materials Vol.36, 2577-2587 (2024)
- Unveiling the Synergy of Coupled Gold Nanoparticles and J-Aggregates in Plexcitonic Systems for Enhanced Photochemical Applications, A. Jumbo-Nogales, A.N. Rao, A. Olejniczak, M. Grzelczak, Y. Rakovich, Nanomaterials Vol.14, Article 35 (2024)
- Temperature-Modulated Reversible Clustering of Gold Nanorods Driven by Small Surface Ligands, J. Kruse, A. Rao, A. Sánchez-Iglesias, J.L. Montaáo-Priede, A.I. Ibarra, E. Lopez, A. Seifert, A. Arbe, M. Grzelczak, Chemistry-a European Journal Vol.30, e202302793 (2024)
- Toward sub-second solution exchange dynamics in flow reactors for liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy, S. Merkens, C. Tollan, G. De Salvo, K. Bejtka, M. Fontana, A. Chiodoni, J. Kruse, M.A. Iriarte-Alonso, M. Grzelczak, A. Seifert, A. Chuvilin, Nature Communications Vol.15, Article 2522 (2024)
- Quantifying Shape Transition in Anisotropic Plasmonic Nanoparticles through Geometric Inversion. Application to Gold Bipyramids, J.L. Montaño-Priede, A. Sánchez-Iglesias, S.A. Mezzasalma, J. Sancho-Parramon, M. Grzelczak, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Vol.15, pp. 3914-3922 (2024)
- Robust Rules for Optimal Colorimetric Sensing Based on Gold Nanoparticle Aggregation, J.L. Montaño-Priede, M. Sanromán-Iglesias, N. Zabala, M. Grzelczak, J. Aizpurua, . ACS Sensors Vol.8, pp. 1827-1834 (2023)
- Coupling Reversible Clustering of DNA-Coated Gold Nanoparticles with Chemothermal Cycloaddition Reaction, J. Kruse, M. Sanroman-Iglesias, A. Marauri, I. Rivilla, M. Grzelczak, ChemSystemsChem Vol.5, e202200031 (2023)
- Quantification of reagent mixing in liquid flow cells for Liquid Phase-TEM, S. Merkens, G. De Salvo, J. Kruse, E. Modin, C. Tollan, M. Grzelczak, A. Chuvilin, Ultramicroscopy Vol.245, Article 113654 (2023)
- Light-Driven Self-Oscillation of Thermoplasmonic Nanocolloids, S.A. Mezzasalma, J. Kruse, S. Merkens, E. Lopez, A. Seifert, R. Morandotti, M. Grzelczak, . Advanced Materials Vol.35, 2302987 (2023)
- Hydrophobic Gold Nanoparticles with Intrinsic Chirality for the Efficient Fabrication of Chiral Plasmonic Nanocomposites, N. Kowalska, F. Bandalewicz, J. Kowalski, S. Gómez-Graña, M. Bagiriski, I. Pastoriza-Santos, M. Grzelczak, J. Matraszek, J. Pérez-Juste, W. Lewandowski, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Vol.14, pp. 50013–50023 (2022)
- Cross Determination of Exciton Coherence Length in J-Aggregates, A. Jumbo-Nogales, V. Krivenkov, K. Rusakov, A.S. Urban, M. Grzelczak, Y.P. Rakovich, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Vol.13, pp. 10198-10206 (2022)
- Millifluidic Flow Reactor for Reproducible Seed-Mediated Nanoparticle Synthesis, A. Herrero-Ruiz, G. Carolo, G. González-Rubio, M. Grzelczak, J.S. Niehaus, H. Weller, H., L.M. Liz-Marzán, Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol.127, pp. 19747-19758 (2022)
- One-dimensional heterostructure: The selective decoration of single-walled carbon nanotube tips with metallic nanoparticles, A.E. Del Rio Castillo, M. Laura Soriano, M. Grzelczak, M. Quintana, M. Prato, MRS Bulletin pp. 675-679 (2022)
- Statistical thermodynamics in reversible clustering of gold nanoparticles. A first step towards nanocluster heat engines, S. A. Mezzasalma, J. Kruse, A. I. Ibarra, A. Arbe and M. Grzelczak, Journal of colloid and interface science Vol.628, pp. 205-214 (2022)
- Metal–Polymer Heterojunction in Colloidal-Phase Plasmonic Catalysis, A. Rogolino, N. Claes, J. Cizaurre, A. Marauri, A. Jumbo-Nogales, Z. Lawera, J. Kruse, M. Sanromán-Iglesias, I. Zarketa, U. Calvo, E. Jimenez-Izal, Y.P. Rakovich, S. Bals, J.M. Matxain, M. Grzelczak, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Vol.13, pp. 2264-2272 (2022)
- Strong coupling effects in a plexciton system of gold nanostars and J-aggregates, D. Melnikau, P. Samokhvalov, A. Sánchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, I. Nabiev, Y.P. Rakovich, Journal of Luminescence Vol.242, pp. 118557 (2022)
- Plasmon-assisted fast colorimetric detection of bacterial nucleases in food samples, M. Sanromán-Iglesias, V. Garrido, Y. Gil-Ramírez, J. Aizpurua, M. Grzelczak and M.-J. Grilló, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical Vol.349, pp. 130780 (2021)
- Polariton-assisted manipulation of energy relaxation pathways: donor-acceptor role reversal in a tuneable microcavity, D. Dovzhenko, M. Lednev, K. Mochalov, I. Vaskan, P. Samokhvalov, Y. Rakovich, I. Nabiev, Chemical Science Vol.12, no.38, pp. 12794-12805 (2021)
- Coupling plasmonic catalysis and nanocrystal growth through cyclic regeneration of NADH, A. Sanchez-Iglesias, J. Kruse, A. Chuvilin and M. Grzelczak, Nanoscale Vol.13, no.36, pp. 15188-15192 (2021)
- Strong exciton-photon coupling with colloidal quantum dots in a tunable microcavity, D. Dovzhenko, M. Lednev, K. Mochalov, I. Vaskan, P. Samokhvalov, Y. Rakovich, I. Nabiev, Applied Physics Letters Vol.119, no.1, pp. 011102 (2021)
- Gold nanoparticles endowed with low-temperature colloidal stability by cyclic polyethylene glycol in ethanol, M. A. Aboudzadeh, J. Kruse, M. S. Iglesias, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegria, M. Grzelczak, F. Barroso-Bujans, Soft Matter Vol.17, no.33, pp. 7792-7801 (2021)
- Strong increase in the effective two-photon absorption cross-section of excitons in quantum dots due to the nonlinear interaction with localized plasmons in gold nanorods, V. Krivenkov, P. Samokhvalov, A. Sánchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, I. Nabiev, Y. Rakovich, Nanoscale Vol.13, no.8, pp. 4614-4623 (2021)
- pH-Sensing Platform Based on Light–Matter Coupling in Colloidal Complexes of Silver Nanoplates and J-Aggregates, V. Krivenkov, P. Samokhvalov, I. Nabiev, Y.P. Rakovich, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol.125, no.3, pp. 1972-1979 (2021)
- Cyclic Polyethylene Glycol as Nanoparticle Surface Ligand, M. A. Aboudzadeh, A. Iturrospe, A. Arbe, M. Grzelczak, F. Barroso-Bujans, Acs Macro Letters Vol.9, no.11, pp. 1604-1610 (2020)
- Synergy of Excitation Enhancement and the Purcell Effect for Strong Photoluminescence Enhancement in a Thin-Film Hybrid Structure Based on Quantum Dots and Plasmon Nanoparticles, V. Krivenkov, P. Samokhvalov, I. Nabiev, Y. Rakovich, The Journal Physical Chemistry Letters Vol.11, no.19, pp. 8018-8025 (2020)
- Kinetic and Thermodynamic Hysteresis in Clustering of Gold Nanoparticles: Implications for Nanotransducers and Information Storage in Dynamic Systems, J. Kruse, S. Merkens, A. Chuvilin and M. Grzelczak, Acs Applied Nano Materials Vol.3, no.9, pp. 9520-9527 (2020)
- Strongly coupled exciton–plasmon nanohybrids reveal extraordinary resistance to harsh environmental stressors: temperature, pH and irradiation, T. Hendel, V. Krivenkov, A. Sánchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, Y.P. Rakovich, Nanoscale Vol.12, no.32, pp. 16875–16883 (2020)
- The Crystal Field Plasmon Splitting, S. A. Mezzasalma, M. Grzelczak and J. Sancho-Parramon, Nanoscale Acs Photonics Vol.7, no.6, pp. 1551-1559 (2020)
- Effect of Spectral Overlap and Separation Distance on Exciton and Biexciton Quantum Yields and Radiative and Nonradiative Recombination Rates in Quantum Dots Near Plasmon Nanoparticles, V. Krivenkov, D. Dyagileva, P. Samokhvalov, I. Nabiev, Y. Rakovich, Annalen der Physik Vol.532, no.8, 2000236 (2020)
- Enhancement of the quantum dot photoluminescence using transfer-printed porous silicon microcavities, I.S. Kryukova, D.S. Dovzhenko, Y.P. Rakovich, I.R.Nabiev, Journal of Physics Vol.1461, UNSP 012076 (2020)
- Double Rabi Splitting in a Strongly Coupled System of Core−Shell Au@Ag Nanorods and J‑Aggregates of Multiple Fluorophores, D. Melnikau, A. Govyadinov, A. Sanchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, I.R. Nabiev, L.M. Liz-Marzan, Y.P. Rakovich, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Vol.10, pp. 6137-6143 (2019)
- Enhancement of Biexciton Emission Due to Long-Range Interaction of Single Quantum Dots and Gold Nanorods in a Thin-Film Hybrid Nanostructure, V. Krivenkov, S. Goncharov, P. Samokhvalov, A. Sanchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, I. Nabiev, Y.P. Rakovich, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Vol.10, pp. 481-486 (2019) (COVER)
- Photocatalytic cofactor regeneration involving triethanolamine revisited: the critical role of glycolaldehyde, K. Kinastowska, J. Liu, J.M. Tobin, Y.P. Rakovich, F. Vilela, Z. Xu, W. Bartkowiak, M. Grzelczak, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental Vol.243, pp. 689-692 (2019)
- Polariton-assisted splitting of broadband emission spectra of strongly coupled organic dye excitons in tunable optical microcavity D. Dovzhenko, K. Mochalov, I.S. Vaskan, I. Kryukova, Y. Rakovich, I. Nabiev, Optics Express Vol.27, pp. 4077-4089 (2019)
- Spectral and Spatial Characteristics of the Electromagnetic Modes in a Tunable Optical Microcavity Cell for Studying Hybrid Light-Matter States D.S. Dovzhenko, I.S. Vaskan I.S., K.E. Mochalov, Y.P. Rakovich, I. Nabiev, JETP Letters Vol.109, pp. 12-17 (2019)
- Induced transparency in plasmon-exciton nanostructures for sensing applications, V. Krivenkov, S. Goncharov, I. Nabiev, Y.P. Rakovich, Laser & Photonics Reviews Vol.13, pp. 1800176 (2019) (COVER)
- Energy Transfer Between Single Semiconductor Quantum Dots and Organic Dye Molecules D. Melnikau, T. Hendel, P.A. Linkov, P.S. Samokhvalov, I.R. Nabiev, Y.P. Rakovich, Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie Vol.232, pp. 1513-1526 (2018)
- Photoluminescence Properties of Thin-Film Nanohybrid Material Based on Quantum Dots and Gold Nanorods S.A. Goncharov, V.A. Krivenkov, P.S. Samokhvalov, I. Nabiev, Y.P. Rakovich, Optics and Spectroscopy Vol.125, pp. 720-724 (2018)
- A versatile tunable microcavity for investigation of light-matter interaction K.E. Mochalov, I.S. Vaskan, D.S. Dovzhenko, Y.P. Rakovich, I. Nabiev, Review of Scientific Instruments Vol.89, pp. 053105 (2018)
- Light-matter interaction in the strong coupling regime: con?gurations, conditions, and applications D.S. Dovzhenko, S.V. Ryabchuk, Y.P. Rakovich, I.R. Nabiev, Nanoscale Vol.10, pp. 3589-3605 (2018)
- Photoluminescent properties of single crystal diamond microneedles S.A. Malykhin, R.R. Ismagilov, F.T. Tuyakova, E.A. Obraztsova, P.V. Fedotov, A. Ermakova, P. Siyushev, K.G. Katamadze, Y.P. Rakovich, A.N. Obraztsov, Optical Materials Vol.75, pp. 49-55 (2017)
- Hybrid states of biomolecules in strong coupling regime A.V. Kosmyntseva, I.R. Nabiev, Y.P. Rakovich, Nanotechnologies in Russia Vol.12, pp. 315-325 (2017)
- Versatile H2O2-driven mixed aerogel synthesis from CdTe and bimetallic noble metal nanoparticles R. Wendt, B. Marker, A. Dubavik, A.-K. Herrmann, M. Wollgarten, Y.P. Rakovich, A. Eychmuller, K. Rademann, T. Hendel, Journal of Materials Chemistry C Vol.19, pp. 22280-22291 (2017)
- Immobilization of pH-sensitive CdTe Quantum Dots in a Poly(acrylate) Hydrogel for Microfluidic Applications M. Franke, S. Leubner, A. Dubavik, A. George, T. Savchenko, C. Pini, P. Frank, D. Melnikau, Y.P. Rakovich, N. Gaponik, A. Eychmuller, A. Richter, Nanoscale Research Letters Vol.12, pp. 314 (2017)
- Strong Magneto-Optical Response of Nonmagnetic Organic Materials Coupled to Plasmonic Nanostructures D. Melnikau, A.A. Govyadinov, A. Sanchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, L.M. Liz-Marzan, Y.P. Rakovich, Nano Letters Vol.17, pp. 1808-1813 (2017)
- Whispering gallery mode hybridization in photonic molecules Y. Li, F. Abolmaali, K.W. Allen, N.I. Limberopoulos, A. Urbas, Y.P. Rakovich, A.V. Maslov, V.N. Astratov, Laser & Photonics Reviews Vol.11, pp. 1600278 (2017)
- Exploring the Optical Nonlinearities of Plasmon-Exciton Hybryd Resonances in Coupled Colloidal Nanostructures T. Simon, D. Melnikau, A. Sanchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, L.M. Liz-Marzan, Y.P. Rakovich, J. Feldmann, A.S. Urban, Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol.120, pp. 12226-12233 (2016)
- Rabi Splitting in Photoluminescence Spectra of Hybrid Systems of Gold Nanorods and J-ggregates D. Melnikau, R. Esteban, D. Savateeva, A. Sanchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, M.K. Schmidt, L.M. Liz-Marzan, J. Aizpurua, Y.P. Rakovich, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Vol.7, pp. 354-362 (2016)
- Chiroptical activity in colloidal quantum dots coated with achiral ligands D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva, N. Gaponik, A.O. Govorov, Y.P. Rakovich, Optics Express Vol.24, pp. A65-A73 (2015)
- Colloidal synthesis and optical properties of type-II CdSe-CdTe and inverted CdTe-CdSe core-wing heteronanoplatelets. A.V. Antanovich, A.V. Prudnikau, D. Melnikau, Y.P. Rakovich, A. Chuvilin, U. Woggon, A.W. Achtstein, M.V. Artemyev, Nanoscale Vol.7, pp. 8084-8092 (2015)
- Effect of surface plasmon resonance in TiO2/Au thin films on fluorescence of self-assedmbled CdTe QDs structure. I.Moura, M.F. Cerqueira, D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva,Y. Rakovich, J. Borges, F. Vaz, M. Vasilevskiy, Journal of Physics Vol.605, pp.012025-1/7 (2015)
- Tunable Plasmon Modes in Single Silver Nanowire Optical Antennas Characterized by Far-Field Microscope Polarization Spectroscopy. M. Fu, L. Qian, H. Long, K. Wang, P. Lu, Y. Rakovich, F. Hetsch, A. Susha, A. Rogach, Nanoscale Vol.6, pp. 9192-9197 (2014)
- Whispering Gallery Mode emission from a composite system of J-aggregates and photonic microcavity. D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva, K. Rusakov, Y.P. Rakovich, Journal of Luminescence Vol.145, pp. 138-143 (2014)
- Preparation and Investigation of Quantum Dot Loaded Hollow Polymer Microspheres. C. Hanley, J. McCarthy, F. Parcell-Milton, D. McCloskey, J. Donegan, Y.P. Rakovich, Y. Gun'ko, Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol.117, pp. 24527-24536 (2013)
- Resonance energy transfer in self-organized organic/inorganic dendrite structures. D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, Y. Nunez Fernandez, M. I. Vasilevskiy, M. F. Costa, K.E. Mochalov, V. Oleinikov, Y.P. Rakovich, Nanoscale Vol.5, pp. 9317-9323 (2013)
- Strong enhancement of circular dichroism in a hybrid material consisting of J-aggregates and silver nanoparticles. D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva, Y. Gunko, Y.P. Rakovich, Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol.117, no. 26, pp. 13708-13712 (2013)
- Large Enhancement of Nonlinear Optical Response in a Hybrid Nanobiomaterial Consisting of Bacteriorhodopsin and Cadmium Telluride Quantum Dots. A. Rakovich, I. Nabiev, A. Sukhanova, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, Y.P. Rakovich, J.F. Donegan, ACS Nano Vol.7., no. 3., pp. 2154-2160 (2013)
- Strong plasmon-exciton coupling in a hybrid system of gold nanostars and J-aggregates. D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva, A. Susha, A.L. Rogach, Y.P. Rakovich, Nanoscale Research Letters Vol.8., no. 1., pp. 134-1/6 (2013)
- Hybrid organic/inorganic semiconductor nanostructures with highly efficient energy transfer. D. Savateeva, D. Melnikau, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, Y.P. Rakovich, Journal of Materials Chemistry Vol. 22., pp. 10816-10820 (2012)
- Energy transfer in hybrid organic/inorganic semiconductor nanostructures. D. Savateeva, D. Melnikau, Y.P. Rakovich, Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics Vol.7., no. 3., pp. 297-301 (2012)
- Whispering gallery mode resonators with J-aggregates. Melnikau, D. Savateeva, A. Chuvilin, R. Hillenbrand, Y.P. Rakovich, Optics Express, Vol. 19., no.22., pp. 22280 - 22291 (2011)
Invited Conference Proceedings Papers
- Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanosystems for Photodynamic Therapy. Y.P. Rakovich, he 2nd International Symposium "Physics, Engineering and Technologies for Biomedicine. KnE Energy & Physics, [S.l.], pp. 416-419, (April, 2018)
- Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Hybrid Plexitonic Nanosystems. D. Melnikau, R. Esteban, A.A. Govyadinov, D. Savateeva, T. Simon, A. Sanchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, M.K. Schmidt, A.S. Urban, L.M. Liz-Marzan, J. Feldmann, J. Aizpurua, Y.P. Rakovich, Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2017), We.D4.5, p.1-5 IEEE, (2017)
- Strong coupling effects in hybrid plexitonic systems (Keynote lecture). D. Melnikau, R. Esteban, A.A. Govyadinov, D. Savateeva, T. Simon, A. Sanchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, M.K. Schmidt, A.S. Urban, L.M. Liz-Marzan, J. Feldmann, J. Aizpurua, Y.P. Rakovich, Proceedings of III International Conference on Applications in Optics and Photonics (AOP 2017), Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 10453, pp. 2E1-2E6 (2017)
- Plexitonic QED: Strong coupling effect in absorption and photoluminescence spectra of hybrid systems of gold nanorods and J-aggregates. Dzmitry Melnikau, Ruben Esteban, Diana Savateeva, Ana Sanchez-Iglesias, Marek Grzelczak, Mikolaj Schmidt, Luis Liz-Marzan, Javier Aizpurua, Yury P. Rakovich, Proc. The 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META`16 A03, p.9 (2016)
- Organic-inorganic hybrid nanostructures: exciton-plasmon interaction and Rabi splitting effect. D. Melnikau, R. Esteban, D. Savateeva, A. Sanchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, M.K. Schmidt, L. M. Liz-Marzaan, J. Aizpurua and Y.P. Rakovich, Proc. PCNSPA Conference 2016 - Photonic Colloidal Nanostructures: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications p.38-41 (2016)
- Strong excitonic-plasmonic coupling in hybrid system of gold nanoparticles and J-aggregates. Y.P. Rakovich, Proc. International Frontier Forum on Quantum Information 2016 p.1387-1388 (2016)
- Strong excitonic-plasmonic coupling in hybrid system of metal nanoparticles and J-aggregates of organic dye. D.Melnikau, D. Savateeva, A. Sanchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, L.M. Liz-Marzan, M.K. Schmidt, R. Esteban, J. Aizpurua and Y.P. Rakovich, Proc. 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON 2015 We.B6.5, p.1-4 IEEE (2015)
- Coupling effect in hybrid system of plasmonic nanoparticles and J-aggregates yields double Rabi splitting. D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva and Y.P. Rakovich, Proc. 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON 2014 Tu.B6.3, p.1-4 IEEE (2014)
- Optical resonators with Whispering Gallery Modes and J-aggregates. D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva, K. Rusakov and Y.P. Rakovich, Proc. 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON 2013 Tu.A6.1, p.1-7 IEEE (2013)
- Enhancement effects in plasmonic nanocavities with quantum emitters. D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva, A. Chuvilin, R. Hillenbrand, N. Weiss, N. Gaponik and Y.P. Rakovich, Proc. 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON 2012,Mo.C6.5, p.1-4, IEEE (2012)
- Photonic atoms with J-aggregates. Y. P. Rakovich, D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva, Proc. 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON 2011, Tu.C4.4., pp.1-3, IEEE (2011)
- Quantum dots for bioenergetics: Exploration of the energy transfer from nanocrystals to photosynthetic biological complexes.
Regular Conference Proceedings Papers
- Modification of multiphoton emission properties of single quantum dot due to the long-range coupling with plasmon nanoparticles in thin-film hybrid material. V. Krivenkov, P. Samokhvalov, A. Sanchez-Iglesias, M. Grzelczak, I. Nabiev, Y. Rakovich, Proc. of IV International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics (AOP 2019), 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 11207, 1120728 (2019)
- Polariton-assisted emission of strongly coupled organic dye excitons in a tunable optical microcavity. D. Dovzhenko, K. Mochalov, I. Vaskan, I. Kryukova, Y. Rakovich, I. Nabiev, Proc. of IV International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics (AOP 2019), 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 11207, 112072C (2019)
- Photonic molecules and sensors based on coupling between whispering gallery modes in microspheres. F. Abolmaali, Y. Li, K.W. Allen, N.I. Limberopoulos, A.M. Urbas, Y.P. Rakovich, A.V. Maslov, V.N. Astratov, Proc. IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON) pp.205-208, IEEE Xpore, (2017)
- A novel symmetric dual loop feedback scheme insensitive to phase tuning using self-mode-locked two-section quantum dash laser. F. Abolmaali, Y. Li, K.W. Allen, N.I. Limberopoulos, A.M. Urbas, Y.P. Rakovich, A.V. Maslov, V.N. Astratov, Proc. 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2015) We.P.29, pp.1-4, IEEE Xpore, (2017)
- Strong Coupling Effect in Hybrid System of Plasmonic Nanoparticles and J-aggregates. D. Savateeva, D. Melnikau and Y.P. Rakovich, In: Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures. Eds. V.E. Borisenko,S.V. Gaponenko, V.S. Gurin, C.H. Kam (World Scientific, New Jersey, 2015), p.69-72
- Anti-Stokes emission in Whispering Gallery Mode microcavities with semiconductor quantum dots. D. Savateeva, J.F Donegan and Y.P. Rakovich, Proc. 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON 2015 We.P.11, P.1-4, IEEE(2015)
- Whispering Gallery Modes in Hollow Microcavities Loaded with Semiconductor Quantum Dots.D. Savateeva, D. Melnikau, J.E. McCarthy, F. Purcell-Milton, V. Gerard, D. McCloskey, J. Donegan, Y.K. Gunko, S. Chugunov, N.P. Tarasyuk, K.I. Rusakov and Y.P. Rakovich,In: Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures. Eds. V.E. Borisenko,S.V. Gaponenko, V.S. Gurin, C.H. Kam (World Scientific, New Jersey, 2015), p.16-19
- Enhanced chiroptical properties of a hybrid material consisting of J-aggregates and silver nanoparticles. D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva, Y.K. Gunko and Y.P. Rakovich, Proc. 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON 2014 We.P23, P.1-4, IEEE(2014)
- Optical Properties of Hollow Polymer Microspheres Loaded with Semiconductor Quantum Dots. D. Savateeva, D. Melnikau, J.E. McCarthy, F. Purcell-Milton, V. Gerard, D. McCloskey, J. Donegan, Y.K. Gunko, S. Chugunov, K.I. Rusakov and Y.P. Rakovich, Proc. 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON 2014 We.P24, P.1-4, IEEE(2014)
- Enhancement effects at junctions of crossed silver nanowires with J-aggregates.D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva, N. Weiss, N. Gaponik, Y.P. Rakovich,In: Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures. Eds. V.E. Borisenko,S.V. Gaponenko, V.S. Gurin, C.H. Kam (World Scientific, Singapore, 2013), p.82-85
- Plasmon-exciton strong coupling in a hybrid system of gold nanostars and J-aggregates. D. Savateeva, D. Melnikau, A. Susha, A. Rogach and Y.P. Rakovich, Proc. 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON 2013 TU.P.23, P.1-4, IEEE(2013)
- Optical properties of Wispering Gallery Modes sperical microcavities with J-nanoaggregates and plasmonic hot spots.D. Savateeva, D. Melnikau, K.I Rusakov, A.A. Gladyshchuk, Y.P. Rakovich,In: Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures. Eds. V.E. Borisenko,S.V. Gaponenko, V.S. Gurin, C.H. Kam (World Scientific, Singapore, 2013), p.70-73
- Observation of whispering gallery modes and directional emission from spherical microcavities integrated with TTBC dye J-aggregates. D. Savateeva, D. Melnikau, Y.P. Rakovich, Proc. 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON 2012 TU.P.26, P.1-4, IEEE(2012)
- Highly-efficient Forster Resonance Energy Transfer in hybrid organic/inorganic semiconductor nanostructures. D. Savateeva, D. Melnikau, Y.P. Rakovich, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8424., pp.8424, pp. 842427-1/8 (2012)
- Whispering gallery modes microcavities with J-aggregates and plasmonic hot spots. Y. P. Rakovich, D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva, A. Chuvilin, R. Hillenbrand, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8435., pp.8435, pp. 8435G1/11 (2012)
- Excitation energy transfer from semiconductor quantum dots to cyananine J-aggregates.
- Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Nanostructures for Integration with Photonic Atoms. D. Savateeva, D. Melnikau, Y.P. Rakovich, Proc. 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON 2011 We.P.6.- pp.1-3, IEEE (2011)