24/02/25 12:00
"Hot" carriers in nanostructures – when they matter, and when they do not...
24/02/25 15:00
News from the Mediterranean Abyss: the neutrino event KM3-230213A
24/02/25 11:00
Recent Advances in the Development and Applications of Sustainable Nanobiosensors for Diagnostic Applications
26/02/25 10:00
PhD Thesis defense: Spin Interactions in Organic Molecular Architectures
26/02/25 12:00
PhD Seminar Series
27/02/25 12:00
Externally modulated electron transport through molecules and nanojunctions
07/03/25 12:00
Spin dynamics and coupling in the f-block
12/03/25 12:00
Searching for Signs of Life on Mars with Rosalind Franklin
13/03/25 15:00
Simulating Quantum Matter with Ultracold Atoms
14/03/25 12:00
Devices, models and algorithms for nuclear imaging and beyond
28/03/25 12:00
Surface Science of Plasmonic Materials
04/04/25 12:00
Quantum computing with silicon technology
19/05/25 12:00
Fractional topological insulators in twisted MoTe2
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