February 28, 2024 Visitors

Farewell to Florette

Florette returns to Cameroon

From May of last year, our research group had the pleasure of hosting Florette Fobasso, a brilliant Postdoc from the University of Dschang in Cameroon, thanks to the support from the Women for Africa Foundation.

Florette’s expertise lies in polaron physics and two-dimensional materials. Recently, she has directed her focus towards employing density-functional-theory (DFT) methods to uncover the key phenomenological parameters used in the analytic models for polarons developed in her team. Throughout her time in San Sebastian, Florette successfully familiarized herself with DFT methods and seamlessly applied them to advance her investigations into polarons in two-dimensional materials.

We genuinely hope Florette had a rewarding and enjoyable experience during her time with us, as we highly appreciated her company. À bientôt!