January 23, 2024 Visitors

Jan Phillips visits the group

For 3 months last autumn, our group received the visit of Jan Phillips, a PhD student from Victor Pardo’s group in Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

Throughout his doctoral thesis, Jan has been working in the interplay between magnetism and the charge-density wave (CDW) state of diverse compounds in the transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) family. Now, he is interested in analyzing the effect of the CDW transition in the ferroelectricity of monolayer MoTe2. Since non-perturbative anharmonic effects have been proven to play a crucial role in the CDW transition of similar compounds, Jan came to San Sebastian willing to learn first-hand the stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation (SSCHA) method and apply it to monolayer MoTe2.

We sincerely hope that the stay was fruitful and that he enjoyed it as much as we did his company. Ata pronto!