In the frame of the Mestizajes Program we have organized two International Meetings
to discuss the connections between Literature and Science

1st International Conference on Literature and Science
October, 18-19 2011 / Donostia - San Sebastián
In this first Conference, the topic of debate was focus on the border between Literature and Science. We aimed to explore the forms of representation, auto-referentiality, dualisms and the use of models and metaphors in both Science and Literature. We investigated the different kinds of links between Literature and Science and we explored the possibilities offered by the common space located on the borderline between both.

(For more detailed information click here)

2nd International Conference on Literature and Science
November, 18-19 2014 / Donostia - San Sebastián
In this occasion, the debate was focus on Reason, Intuition and Imagination in Science and in Literature. In particular, we discuss about Mathematics, intuition and collective imaginary as well as Literary intuition and neuroscience and the construction of the world through Literature and Science. We tried to answer questions like: What is knowledge and what are its forms of expression? Is intuition reliable? And reason? What can be thought and what can’t? What is impossible and what isn’t? How do we remember?

(For more detailed information click here)