In the frame of the Mestizajes Program we have organized several Talks
for both academic and general public

28/04/2015 Marta Macho Stadler
A través del espejo: la literatura mira a las científicas
San Sebastián
Concurso de Relatos de inspiración científica -
18/03/2015 Ana Montserrat Rosell
La divulgación científica. Un cuento inexacto.
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)
15/10/2014 Ariane Koek
Colliding Worlds. Creative collisions between the arts and science.
Museo San Telmo -
19/06/2014 Giovanni Vignale
Physics and Fiction. A journey through the soul of theoretical physics.
06/03/2014 Tomás Yerro
La Poesía a la zaga de la ciencia
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) -
05/06/2013 Eduardo Berti
Coloquio sobre Literatura y Ciencia
Centro Cultural Ernest Lluch
04/06/2013 Eduardo Berti
Presentación Programa Escritores en Residencia
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)
15/03/2013 Enrique Solano
Quantum simulations: our quantum theatre for atoms and photons
15/02/2013 Jaume Navarro
Electrons in the Thomson family:
from waves to particles, and back againDonostia International Physics Center (DIPC)
11/12/2012 Marta Macho Stadler
Taller de Literatura Potencial OuLiPo