Mestizajes provides an alternative space where artists, writers, scientists and humanists can get together. It is a place for debate, for thinking differently, for giving free rein to the imagination; it’s a place for inquiry, for agreement and disagreement; a place for generating and communicating new forms of knowledge. Mestizajes aims to open up a path that allows us to cross the frontier among art, literature and science and provide fertile terrain for generating new ideas. Through workshops, lectures, periods of residence and collaborations, Mestizajes hopes to encourage people to get actively involved in this and to take a critical look at reality from an innovative cutting-edge perspective. The idea behind setting up Mestizajes is that a gap has been opened up in the wall that separates art, literature and science and that it is possible to cross this frontier and venture into a newly-emerging territory that has huge human and intellectual potential.
In the frame of the Mestizajes Program, we organized in 2011 and 2014 two International Meetings about Literature and Science; in 2012, we brought a writer to the DIPC in the frame of the Program Writers in Residence to explore the frontiers between Literature and Science; in 2013, we wrote and prepared the theater play "The interview" which was premiered in San Sebastian and then represented in Bilbao, Vitoria and Pamplona in the frame of the Science Festival Quantum13 organized by the DIPC. In addition, we also organized several Talks for both academic and general public and published several Articles about the interactions between Literature, Science and Art.