Spectroscopy at atomic scale group


Our research focuses on the experimental characterization of materials with atomic and sub-molecular spatial resolution. We probe structural and electronic properties of single-atoms, molecules and more extended systems supported on surfaces. The nanoscale interfaces between organic and inorganic materials constitute an interesting playground for the development of interesting physical-chemical effects, which determine or control the functionalities of the nanosystem. Thus, reduced dimensions and interface effects justify fundamental investigations in nanoscience and the interest of applied technology.
Structural, electronic properties of the individual components quite often differ from the pristine properties that each component has before the formation of the interface. Accurate and focused characterization of structure, electronic properties and charge reorganization across the interface is therefore necessary. Indeed, part or the whole organic structure can be modified by structural changes or localization of charges on specific molecular orbitals. Local dipoles modulate the surface potential, the electron transport properties and even promote chemical reactions.
Our aim is understanding the mechanisms that control these chemical and physical processes at surfaces, which determine the chemistry, electron transport and magnetic properties of the individual atomic and molecular units.

From 0D to 2D systems

Chemical reactions

Electronics and Magnetic properties

Phonon and lattice dynamics