ZHANG Shiyue (Constance) obtained her Engineering degree in Chemistry and Physical Engineering from the École Nationale Supérieure de Matériaux, d’Agroalimentaire et de Chimie (ENSMAC, Bordeaux, France) and her Master’s degree in Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics from the University of … Continue reading
ZHANG Shiyue (Constance) joins our group!
Our group has published a paper on how a variety of canonical nanoantennas modify the light-radiating properties of single emitters
The group has just published an overview on how a variety of canonical nanoantennas modify the light-radiating properties of single emitters. This might be useful to many experimental groups engineering single-photon sources. JL. Montaño-Priede, M. Zapata-Herrera, R. Esteban, N. Zabala, … Continue reading
SPIE Optics + Photonics Conference
Last August, Mario Zapata-Herrera, member and collaborator of our group, gave an invited talk at the prestigious SPIE Optics + Photonics Conference (https://spie.org/conferences-and-exhibitions/optics-and-photonics#_=_) about “Controlling the Purcell effect and the Lamb shift in plasmonic configurations”.
Our group has published a paper on Raman scattering of organic molecules at THz frequencies
Our group has published one of the few works addressing field-enhanced Raman scattering of organic molecules at THz frequencies. In collaboration with the group in Cambridge, we identify the influence of intermolecular as well as metal-molecule interactions in the THz … Continue reading
XXXIX RSEF Physics Biennial
Javier Aizpurua delivered the concluding plenary talk at the XXXIX RSEF Physics Biennial (https://bienalfisica.org/en/home).
Plasmonic and Nanophotonics Gordon Research Conference
Last week Javier Aizpurua was chair of the Plasmonic and Nanophotonics Gordon Research Conference in Newry, Maine, USA (https://www.grc.org/plasmonics-and-nanophotonics-conference/2024/). Several group members contributed to the conference. Ruben Esteban gave an invited talk about “Light from Single Quantum Emitters and Collective … Continue reading
Benjamin Tirado joins our group!
Benjamin obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of Seville (US). Last September, he finished his Master’s degree in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics at the University of Granada (UGR), where he performed electronic structure calculations of small molecules using … Continue reading
Congratulations Carlos!!!
Carlos Maciel successfully defended his thesis last Friday, February 9th, on the probing of nanoscale light-matter interactions with fast electrons and near-field optical probes. Zorionak Carlos! Congratulations!
Congratulations Unai!!!
Unai Muniain successfully defended his thesis on November 8th on the quantum-mechanical study of optical excitations in nanoscale systems: first-principles description of plasmons, tunneling-induced light emission and ultrastrong light-matter interaction. Zorionak Unai! Congratulations!
Javier Aizpurua has been elected as 2023 American Physical Society Fellow
We are happy to announce that Javier Aizpurua has been elected as 2023 American Physical Society Fellow, after recommendation by the Division of Chemical Physics (https://dipc.ehu.eus/en/whats-new/news/adolfo-del-campo-and-javier-elected-as-american-physical-society-fellows-2023). Congratulations Javier! Zorionak!